Saturday, March 16, 2019

Elbow Falls in Summer

This is Elbow Falls situated west of Calgary. A popular place to visit for the lovely scenery. I painted it from a different perspective. As most people view falls from the front, I painted it from behind. I started my painting process with a monochromatic under painting using raw sienna and let some of it show through on the canvas. I applied thin glazes of blue green and ocher to the rocks, a technique I learned in a workshop I attended a few years back. I love the effect it produces. It is quite detailed with the rock formation taking the longest to complete. On a bright sunny day as in this painting, the water takes on a beautiful blue green colour against the grey rocks.  ~Enjoy!


Karen Oliver said...

Zoomed in to get a better look and love all the colours you used in this piece, especially the water and rocks.

Marie Flynn said...

Thank you Karen!

I love the look of the falls and especially the rocks too. I have been wanting to paint this area for a long time and I’m glad I did. I’m pleased with the way it turned out and as they say, it’s a keeper.