Saturday, October 15, 2011

"Choke Cherry Branch 2" 12 x 12 Acrylic on Canvas (Framed)

This is the second choke cherry painting. I've been working on it for most of the week, taking breaks from it every now and then. I already had the second frame and canvas that is the same size as the first and thought it would be nice to paint another one by extending the branches out further. What I like about these two paintings is how your eyes want to scan the whole image and looking into the depth between each branch and a thought, if I wanted to, I could go all out by adding more 12 x 12 branch paintings and eventually do the whole bush! HA!  That might look real cool, but a lot of work. I may consider that at a later time, for now I'm satisfied with how it turned out.  Enjoy!

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